Samo kad se smijem / Only When I Laugh
Tina, mlada supruga i majka, živi u prividno idiličnom braku u pitoresknom gradu na jadranskoj obali. Kada izrazi želju da nastavi obrazovanje, koje je prekinula zbog trudnoće, počinje tih i uporan bunt njenog supruga. Odlučna u svojoj namjeri, Tina upisuje studij.Sukobi između Tine i njenog supruga Frane su česti, ali se ne raspravljaju otvoreno, čak ni kada postanu nasilni. Tina se uporno nastoji izboriti za sebe. Frane i obitelj žele da se Tina posveti djetetu i kućanstvu. Uz pomoć majke, Tina uspijeva uskladiti studij, obitelj i sve bogatiji društveni život. Frane, koji se čini kao uspješan muškarac, redovito sabotira Tinu. Njihovi sukobi i napetosti neprestano se zaoštravaju. Jedne večeri Tina izađe sa svojim prijateljima. Kada Frane vidi da se Tina zabavlja, brutalno je fizički ponovno napada. Njihova žestoka rasprava eskalira i rezultira tragičnim događajem koji zauvijek promijeni njihove živote.
Tina, a young wife, and mother, lives in an apparently idyllic marriage in a picturesque town on the Adriatic coast. When she expresses a desire to continue her education, which she interrupted due to her pregnancy, her husband’s quiet but persistent rebellion begins. Determined to pursue her goals, Tina enrols in her studies. Conflicts between Tina and her husband Frane are frequent and they are not openly discussed even when they become quite violent. Tina struggles for herself. Frane and the family want Tina to dedicate herself to the child and the household. With the help of her mother, Tina succeeds in balancing her studies, family, and an increasingly wealthy social life. Frane, who appears to be a successful man, regularly sabotages Tina. Their conflicts and tensions constantly escalate. One evening, Tina goes out with her friends. When Frane sees her enjoying herself, he brutally attacks her again. Their heated argument escalates and results in a tragic event that forever changes their lives.
Slovenščina, македонски јазик, English
Croatia, Serbia
Maxima film, Biberche Productions