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Ekskurzija / Excursion

1h 34m Drama 2023

Dok se njen, deveti razred priprema za ekskurziju, Iman privlači pažnju starijeg dečka. Nakon što se, nakon igre istine i izazova po školi proširi glasina da je Iman trudna i to ugrozi ekskurziju, Iman se nađe u oluji očekivanja i ograničenja, a događaji koje je izazvala izmiču kontroli.

Iman, who, as her ninth-grade class prepares for a field trip, attracts the attention of an older boy. After a game of truths and dares, a rumour spreads through the school that Iman is pregnant and threatens the field trip, Iman finds herself in a storm of expectations and restrictions, and the events she caused spiral out of control.


Una Gunjak




Slovenščina, македонски јазик, English


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Norway, Qatar


Film House Bas Celik, Mer Film, Nukleus film, SCCA /, Salaud Morisset

Bonus Content

Q&A with the Director Una Gunjak